New Drug Law in Thailand (2021)
As some of you may know, there is a new drug law in Thailand. The new Narcotics Act of 2564 (2021) was passed and came into force last month in December 2021. The new drug law in Thailand is a benefit for many people in prison in Thailand for drug cases. One of the best aspects of the new Thai drug law is that it provides opportunities for much lower sentences compared to the previous sentences given for drug cases. For example, given the very low limit of 0.375 grams for the charge of possession with intent to sell of a class 1 narcotic, many defendants in drug cases in Thailand were
potentially facing up to life in prison or the death penalty for amounts over 20 grams. The new drug law in Thailand provides more nuance for those faces drug charges in Thailand.
New Thai Drug Law Allows Re-Sentencing
As we will cover in a separate update, prisoners in Thailand who are serving time for drug cases can now apply (through lawyers) for reconsideration through the courts. This can potentially cut decades off of prison terms for prisoners in Thailand who have been jailed for drug-related offenses. We would like to direct your attention to the official Department of Corrections website for further information. The link for the Thai Department of Corrections website is here: You can see that those with the right to file for re-sentencing of drug cases in Thailand include prosecutors, the lawyers of inmates, and legal guardians for minors (children) or those who are mentally not able to do so for themselves.
How to Get a New Sentence
If you want to know how to get ra new prison sentence for your drug case in Thailand, please contact Thailand Bail for further details here.
We are experts in drug cases in Thailand, as evidenced by our excellent results in court. If you have a drug case in Thailand, contact Thailand Bail for details and a proposal on how we can have your family member or friend re-sentenced under the new drug law in Thailand, the Narcotics Act of 2564 (2021). As you know, 2564 is the Buddhist year and is the same as the year 2021. The courts will likely see an influx of requests from lawyers around Thailand, so for fastest service, it is advisable to start soon.
Information from the Department of Corrections in Thailand
The Department of Corrections in Thailand has published the following information about the process, which is in line with this page’s information. Please see below for the Thai Department of Corrections update.

Title: New Drug Law in Thailand (2021)
Published: January 2022