The Art of International Bail
As the name of our law firm Thailand Bail suggests, we are experts in bail in Thailand. We have decades of experience bailing Thai and foreign defendants out of prisons across the country, from large cities such as Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket, and Chiang Mai to smaller provinces including Prachuab Khiri Khan, Surat Thani, and Kanchanaburi. Other law firms in Thailand offer bail services too. Most of them are not experts in this field of law, and can actually cause more harm than good by filing a bad bail application or bail appeal. We have previously written about the importance of the bail appeal in Thai courts, which is often needed when initial bail applications are rejected. There are some cases in Thailand that we can secure bail for our clients, but that cannot be won in court. There are minimum sentencing laws in place for certain drug crimes in Thailand, for example, that means that even the best lawyer in Thailand cannot win the case in court.

In instances such as these, we advise on a special area of criminal law in Thailand called International Bail. International Bail involves having the defendant temporarily leave Thailand for a period of time ranging from a few days to a few months. This is important since every defendant in the Thai court system has a blacklist on their name in the immigration system, which prevents them from leaving the country. Attempting to leave Thailand while on bail is highly illegal and can result in the court taking your bail money and sending you back to prison. Trust us, we have seen defendants attempt to flee Thailand only to be stopped at the border, arrested, and returned to prison.
International Bail is perfect for those who have difficult cases in the court system of Thailand, those who believe their current lawyer cannot win their case, or those who must leave Thailand before the end of their criminal case in Thailand.

Thailand Bail is the only law firm in Thailand that has been able to consistently offer this service to clients who really need it. We only accept a small number of people who want to apply for this special service, as we must put our own licensure on the line each time we guarantee a client will return for his or her court date. Each international bail case is unique, and we only take on the cases that we know we can work with. If International Bail is possible for your case, we will work with you to guarantee free passage through any normal immigration checkpoint, including Suvarnabhumi International Airport and Don Meuang International Airport, as well as all land border crossings. Our International Bail is completely legal, with official permission given from the Judicial authorities as well as Immigration officials. If you believe you are a candidate for International Bail with Thailand Bail, please contact Thailand Bail for more information. We will examine the details of your criminal case in Thailand and determine if we can assist or not.