Bail in Thailand 2020: Bail on the Weekends
In what is probably the biggest change the rules on bail in Thailand, the president of the Supreme Court recently announced that bail can now be applied for on weekends. Thailand Bail can confirm that this new rule, announced on 25 December 2019, is now in force at the courts around Thailand. Thailand Bail just managed the successful bail applications for two foreigners who were arrested for drug cases in Koh Phangan and sent to the Koh Samui Provincial Court. Under the old rules, we would have had to wait until Monday to file our bail paperwork, but with the new rule, we were able to file our bail documents on Saturday, and both people were released the same day.

This new law is being attributed to the new president of the Supreme Court of Thailand, Mr. Slaikate Wattanapan. Mr. Slaikate Wattanapan is a graduate of the law school at Thammasat University (some of the Thailand Bail lawyers and staff have studied at Thammasat University), who also did his graduate degree at New York University in the United States. The president based his decision on providing fast service to those accused of crimes in the courts in Thailand. Whilst Thailand Bail’s lawyers cannot confirm that every single court in the country is following these new rules, we expect that if a provincial court like the Koh Samui Provincial Court is doing this, others are as well. Our lawyers and staff will continue to monitor the situation at each court we work at and provide updates on our Thailand Bail website as we learn more.

These new rules are welcomed by our lawyers and staff, since it means that we can provide legal assistance for those who have been arrested in Thailand, even on the weekends. Unlike other international criminal law firms, Thailand Bail does work on Saturday, Sunday, holidays, as well as after-hours on all other days for emergency situations. If you get arrested in Thailand, make sure to contact Thailand Bail so that we can bail you out, even on the weekend. Please call at +66808734042 from abroad or 0808734042 from within Thailand, or send us an email at and we will get back to you within 1 hour.