Criminal Gangs in Thailand (Financial Crimes)
As a criminal defense law firm, Thailand Bail encounters all kinds of cases, ranging from drug cases to murder cases to financial crimes cases. We have written quite a lot about the first two topics, so today we would like to address the financial crimes topic. Criminal gangs are largely to blame for many of the financial crimes committed by foreigners, specifically in ATM card fraud and online scamming. Most of our clients who have been accused of electronic card fraud in Thailand come from Malaysia, China, and various European countries such as Russia, Ukraine, and Lithuania. Our clients who have been accused of online scams typically come from African countries. This is not an unfair assessment, as this holds true in most cases of this sort announced in the various Thai newspapers and The Bangkok Post.
Be careful who your friends are

The reason we wrote this article is to issue a warning about how the police in Thailand categorize a criminal gang. Often, the police will try to include as many defendants in a criminal case in Thailand as possible. This means that each member of the alleged gang is charged with the entire crimes of all members of the group. This makes it difficult to apply for bail for an individual member of the gang, even if that person had absolutely nothing to do with the alleged crime. This is a dangerous place to be, if you want to apply for bail and get out of prison in Thailand. In order to get out of a Thai jail, you need to be able to apply for bail and be released into the custody and care of a registered bail person. This is where Thailand Bail can help.
Thailand Bail is an expert in processing bail for defendants of financial crimes. Ranging from bailing out a Russian client for possession of fake ATM cards and a card swiping piece of equipment to bailing out a Nigerian client who had been caught using a fake name at a Thai bank, under which to receive funds for online scams he was helping run. We do not judge any defendant, except for extreme cases where we refuse service. However, most financial crimes cases can be resolved if managed correctly.

The biggest mistake that we see defendants in a Thai criminal case make is that they do not give enough attention to their criminal matter early in the process. They get arrested by the Thai police in Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket, or other city, and try to rely on their embassy to help. The embassy’s assistance is limited, and they will always advise you to hire a Thai lawyer. It is very important to have a lawyer or other legal professional in Thailand attend to your case immediately. Making the wrong decision early on in the process can destroy any chance you have of getting off without jail time. Contact Thailand Bail today in order to find out how we can help with your criminal case in Thailand.