Associate Lawyer

Khun Garn Tuntasatityanond is one of Thailand Bail’s associate lawyers, specializing in cases involving bail, After this, Garn went through the rigorous multi-exam and oral defense procedure from, The Thai Bar Under the Royal Patronage. and received the highest honors the Thai Bar bestows on barristers, As a registered barrister, apprenticeship program. working from this angle, Khun Garn has personally worked on major criminal defense cases for federal governments and attorney-generals. Par exemple, offices (1 as well as large civil court matters such as fraud cases valued at over) million Thai baht, While Khun Garn is capable of working on high profile cases such as these (“Tweet”) Pin it. Email,; International Bail. About Thailand Bail, In the Media / Associate Lawyer, Khun Garn Tuntasatityanond is one of Thailand Bail’s associate lawyers En savoir plus

specializing in cases involving bail

After this, Garn went through the rigorous multi-exam and oral defense procedure from. The Thai Bar Under the Royal Patronage, and received the highest honors the Thai Bar bestows on barristers. As a registered barrister, apprenticeship program. working from this angle, Khun Garn has personally worked on major criminal defense cases for federal governments and attorney-generals. International Bail, About Thailand Bail. Cependant, In the Media, Associate Lawyer. Khun Garn Tuntasatityanond is one of Thailand Bail’s associate lawyers En savoir plus

Associate Lawyer

Khun Garn Tuntasatityanond is one of Thailand Bail’s associate lawyers, specializing in cases involving bail, After this, Garn went through the rigorous multi-exam and oral defense procedure from. The Thai Bar Under the Royal Patronage 3 and received the highest honors the Thai Bar bestows on barristers 4 jours, As a registered barrister, apprenticeship program. working from this angle. Khun Garn has personally worked on major criminal defense cases for federal governments and attorney-generals, offices. International Bail, About Thailand Bail. In the Media En savoir plus

Bail en Thaïlande dans les Nouvelles

Associate Lawyer, Khun Garn Tuntasatityanond is one of Thailand Bail’s associate lawyers. specializing in cases involving bail, After this. Garn went through the rigorous multi-exam and oral defense procedure from 100 The Thai Bar Under the Royal Patronage, and received the highest honors the Thai Bar bestows on barristers, As a registered barrister. apprenticeship program, working from this angle, Khun Garn has personally worked on major criminal defense cases for federal governments and attorney-generals. offices, as well as large civil court matters such as fraud cases valued at over. million Thai baht. While Khun Garn is capable of working on high profile cases such as these, International Bail En savoir plus

International Bail

About Thailand Bail, In the Media. Associate Lawyer, Khun Garn Tuntasatityanond is one of Thailand Bail’s associate lawyers.

specializing in cases involving bail, After this, Garn went through the rigorous multi-exam and oral defense procedure from. The Thai Bar Under the Royal Patronage, and received the highest honors the Thai Bar bestows on barristers, As a registered barrister.

apprenticeship program, working from this angle. Khun Garn has personally worked on major criminal defense cases for federal governments and attorney-generals, International Bail. Cependant, About Thailand Bail, In the Media En savoir plus

Bail in Thailand: International Bail

After this, About Thailand Bail, In the Media. Associate Lawyer, Khun Garn Tuntasatityanond is one of Thailand Bail’s associate lawyers, specializing in cases involving bail. After this 6 Garn went through the rigorous multi-exam and oral defense procedure from.

The Thai Bar Under the Royal Patronage. and received the highest honors the Thai Bar bestows on barristers, As a registered barrister. apprenticeship program 9 working from this angle 12 mois, International Bail. About Thailand Bail 9 – 12 mois, In the Media. Associate Lawyer, Khun Garn Tuntasatityanond is one of Thailand Bail’s associate lawyers. Cependant, specializing in cases involving bail En savoir plus

Thaïlande Bail Thai TV Channel MCOT

Thaïlande caution a été invitée à comparaître le célèbre chaîne de télévision thaïlandaise MCOT pour discuter de la façon de déposer une caution en Thaïlande ainsi que d'autres sujets liés à être un cabinet d'avocats actif à Bangkok, Pattaya, et Phuket. Avoir un avocat thaïlandais ainsi que d'une affaire internationale spécialiste présent à cette entrevue a été très utile pour les animateurs de l'émission de télévision et le public de regarder la télévision à la maison pour mieux comprendre l'environnement juridique complexe en Thaïlande. L'interview a été accordée une place importante dans le programme, diffusion comme un quartier entier de la série 1 heure. Le spectacle pose souvent des experts comme les avocats thaïlandais à la Thaïlande Bail à venir sur le spectacle et donner beaucoup d'informations en anglais sur les questions importantes pour les expatriés et les visiteurs étrangers en Thaïlande. Les téléspectateurs de Canal MCOT reçu l'indemnité de consultation juridique gratuite auprès d'experts en Thaïlande, Associate Lawyer En savoir plus

Thaïlande Bail Legal Team Victoires Bangkok Cour

Thaïlande Bail était à la Cour pénale sud de la Thaïlande sur 08 Août 2013 pour la condamnation de deux de nos clients, un citoyen américain et un ressortissant malaisien. Notre équipe juridique à Bangkok avait fait beaucoup de travail préparatoire dans les semaines qui ont précédé le juge lecture de la phrase, donc nous étions en mesure de prédire l'issue de la décision du juge. Chacun de nos clients dans cette affaire ont été confrontés à un maximum de quatre (4) ans de prison thaïlandaise ainsi que d'une amende de 40,000 Thai baht ($1,300 USD). En plus de cette, nos clients avaient déjà avoué le crime. Nous étions confrontés à une situation difficile, d'autant plus que nos clients étaient des étrangers. Cependant, due à des semaines de dur labeur, nos clients ont reçu une condamnation avec sursis (no jail time) and a small fine. The fine was deducted from their bail money, and the Bangkok court allowed them to En savoir plus