Thai Prisons Offer LINE Calls for Prisoners and Their Family Members in 2019
Prisoners in Thailand are now eligible for more convenient family “visits” through calls on the popular LINE app. Thailand Bail has seen posters and other information posted at several prisons around Thailand, and the Department of Corrections in Thailand has said that 78% of the prisons in Thailand have already implemented the LINE app calling feature for prisoners and their families. We were able to take a quick photo of the details (en langue thaïe – s'il vous plaît Contact Thaïlande Bail for free details about how to use the LINE app to speak to your family member in a Thai jail or Thai prison in Bangkok, Phuket, Pattaya, or elsewhere in the country). This photo was taken at Bang Kwang Prison (also known as Bang Kwang Central Prison) in Nonthaburi, Thaïlande (In the Media). Thailand Bail has regular visits to many of the prisons around Thailand, including Bang Kwang Prison. Our lawyers have confirmed that Bang Kwang Prison is one of the Thai prisons taking part of the Thai Department of Corrections program for LINE app calls with prisoners. Thaïlande Bail knows how long it can take to make a visit to an inmate (we do this regularly), and for family members who are in another city or another country, as many of our clients are, this can be a tremendous help.

If you have a family member who is in a Thai jail or a Thai prison, please contact Thailand Bail for free assistance in setting up a LINE app call with a prisoner. LINE, a mobile phone and desktop computer application from Line Corporation, which is the Japanese subsidiary of Never Corporation (Korea), is extremely popular in many Asian countries, including Thailand. Almost every Thai person has LINE installed on their phones or computers, which is probably why the Department of Corrections selected LINE over other chat apps, such as WhatsApp, iMessage, and Viber.

For more details about visitation with prisoners in Thailand, please contact Thailand Bail, and we will provide further details to you.
Please advise how to use the LINE app to speak to a prisoner in Bangkwang
Hello, please send us an email to and let us know the following:
1. Name of the prisoner
2. Your name
3. Relationship to the prisoner
4. Prisoner number and building number at Bang Kwang.
We can advise how to get the LINE calls set up.
– Thaïlande Bail