New Law: Military Court Cases Transferred to Civilian Courts
On 30 June 2019, Prime Minister Prayut announced a change in the laws regarding military court cases in Thailand. All current civilian cases in the military courts of Thailand that have not yet been finalised (reached a final judgment) were to immediately be transferred to the civilian courts. This is very significant news for defendants with cases in the military courts around the country. Thai and foreign defendants alike will have their cases moved to the provincial court in the province where the alleged crime happened. Prime Minister Prayut explained that the change was due to the handover of power from the military (from 2014) to the people after the election that saw the military-supported party win the majority.

Since this is a new law, Thailand Bail will be closely observing our current cases in the military courts and petitioning the court to allow the transfer to provincial courts. In order to help clarify the new law, as well as some additional information about military court cases in Thailand, we have included some details below. Please read through them, and if you have any questions about a pending or current case in the military courts of Thailand, please contact Thailand Bail by email at, phone at +66 808734042, Skype at thailandbail or other method listed on our contact page here:
Aren’t the Military Courts Only for Those in the Military?
No, the military courts are not only for those in the military. Normal civilians, both Thai and foreign, can have criminal cases in the military or army courts in Thailand.

How Does Someone Have a Case in the Military Court?
Since the defendant does not have to be a member of the Thai military to have a case in the military courts of Thailand, many people ask how someone can have a case in the military court. This depends on the charges brought against the defendant. For example, charges related to explosives, bombs, and other such items can be classified as a military matter and moved to the military court (before the passing of this new law). Other cases that we have seen put under the authority of the military courts in Thailand include weapons charges, especially the possession and/or importation and/or sale of weapons considered to be military-grade weapons. Typically, this includes M-16 rifles, AK-47 rifles, and other such firearms.
Can Thailand Bail Help Get a Military Case Moved to the Normal Court?
Yes, Thailand Bail can assist with getting a case moved from the military court to the normal (provincial) court. Even before the passing of the new law, Thailand Bail has been successful in transferring a case from a military court to a provincial court. Now, with the passing of the new law, this process is expected to get significantly more simple.
How Can I Find Out More about All Criminal Cases in Thailand?
Please contact Thailand Bail if you have questions about a criminal case in Thailand. Our decades of experience will provide useful information for you if you or a family member or friend has a criminal case in Thailand.