Success Story #17: Death Penalty Murder and Robbery Case Reduced from Death to Just 2 Years
Thailand Bail is pleased to announce that we have successfully defended our client against charges of murder with intent and robbery, resulting in a sentence of just two (2) years imprisonment instead of the possible death penalty sentence that applied under the law. This is an excellent result, especially for a case that received much media attention and involved suspects and victims from 5 different countries. Comparably, other similar murder cases that were in the news this years resulted in the defendants receiving the death penalty, life in prison, and 50 years in prison. The 2-year result was even more impressive considering that our client was the first named defendant (Defendant number 1) in the case.

How do you win a murder case in Thailand?
This is a question that our lawyers need to answer for every single case that comes up. No two cases are exactly alike; however, similarities exist. For this case, we were able to urgently appear at the police station right after our client was arrested and help with the initial police investigation. This is so important for a major case like this one, where your words at the police station will be used for months (or even years) after printed in the initial police report or charge sheet. Next, we were able to represent our client in court the following day and manage the plea entering, in order to protect his rights in this case.
Over the 10 months that it took for this case to progress, we gathered and entered evidence to be considered in the police investigation file, which forms the basis for the prosecutor’s indictment later on. Again, this proactive effort is so important to the process of winning a murder case in Thailand.
Which murder case was this?
Since this case was already covered by countless media outlets in Thailand, Taiwan, Singapore, Australia, the US, etc… we can disclose which case this was. Our client was Zwe Lin Pyae, defendant #1 in the murder case of victim Chi Chiang Shen. This case was widely reported on in international media, and we have included links to this case as follows:
… and many more news articles.
Thailand Bail has achieved positive verdicts for many people facing serious charges in Thailand, including murder and drug trafficking. If you have a serious case, it is very important that you have proper legal representation as early in the process as possible. Contact Thailand Bail’s legal team if you would like to discuss.