Thai Courts and Prisons During COVID-19 (May 2021 Update)
Following the Thailand Bail COVID-19 update in April 2021, we have provided another update here since a lot has happened in the last few weeks. One of the biggest updates to the COVID-19 situation in Thailand is the revelation that around 3,000 inmates are positive for the coronavirus. The majority of these infected inmates in Thai prison are in the Women’s Correctional Institute (known as Bangkok Women’s Prison, next to Klong Prem Central Prison) and the Bangkok Remand Prison.
Of particular interest is the Bangkok Remand Prison, where reports say that up to 50% of the prison population is positive for COVID-19. It is also worth noting that this was allegedly brought in by an officer, not a prisoner. This has caused issues with many defendants who are in the Bangkok Remand Prison awaiting trial or who are serving their sentences.

In addition to the prisoner outbreak, the Ministry of Justice issued an order to each court to consider postponing court hearings. As mentioned in our April 2021 COVID-19 update, the courts that we can confirm are postponing some hearings include the Pattaya Provincial Court, the Koh Samui Provincial Court, the Chiang Mai Provincial Court, and The Criminal Court (Ratchada, Bangkok). Typically, the court hearings that are not postponed are trial dates for defendants who are not allowed bail. However, even this type of court hearing has been postponed in some cases, such as at the Chiang Mai Provincial Court.
However, the Koh Samui Provincial Court is not postponing trial dates with defendants who are not out on bail. This same court is also scheduling judgment day hearings without postponements, Thailand Bail can confirm.

If you have a friend or family member who is in prison in Thailand, or if you have a court hearing coming up, contact Thailand Bail on our contact page at for more details.