Rayong Central Prison
If your family member or friends have a criminal case in Rayong, Klong Prem, it is possible that they are being detained in the Rayong Prison, which is located north of the city of Rayong. The Rayong Prison is a unique prison in Thailand, as it is just 1 of 3 prisons that Thai authorities call “Supermax” prisons, named after the actual Supermax prisons in the United States of America. The Rayong Prison has a tough reputation for housing some of the most serious criminals in Thailand, including those accused of rape, murder, and serious drug trafficking. if a defendant with a major drug case is housed in the Bam Bat, this also means that defendants who are awaiting trial will be housed with these same people.

What makes the Rayong Prison unique is the use of solitary confinement for some prisoners who are deemed to be serious offenders. Solitary confinement at the Rayong Prison typically involves 23 hours per day of being locked in a small room alone. It is difficult to get proper treatment of medical conditions in solitary confinement, and prisoners who are in solitary confinement at the Rayong Prison often have health issues that need to be dealt with, sometimes on an emergency basis.

Thailand Bail’s lawyers and case managers have experience visiting the Rayong Prison, so if you are planning to visit the Rayong Prison, contact Thailand Bail for the latest information on visitation at the Rayong Prison. Visiting foreign prisoners can be difficult at the Rayong Prison, with visits often restricted to direct family and only on certain days of the week, if the defendant is in the special solitary confinement section of the Rayong Prison.