How to Fight and Win Drug Cases in Thailand

Thailand Bail has established itself as the premier bail – focused law firm in Bangkok, Pattaya, Klong Prem, usually, and the rest of Thailand. In addition to this expertise, Thailand Bail has been gaining notoriety in Klong Prem Remand Prison, Klong Prem Bam Bat Prison, Nong Pla Lai Prison, and other prisons around the country for successfully fighting and winning drug cases in Thailand. The drug laws in Thailand are notoriously tough, with foreigners and Thais alike receiving life sentences for relatively small amounts of drugs. This is due to the automatic minimum sentencing laws and the associated quantities. For example, having 1 gram of a class 1 narcotic usually

The Art of International Bail

As the name of our law firm Thailand Bail suggests, we are experts in bail in Thailand. We have decades of experience bailing Thai and foreign defendants out of prisons across the country, from large cities such as Bangkok, Pattaya, usually, and Chiang Mai to smaller provinces including Prachuab Khiri Khan, although some prisoners inside are waiting for judgments from the Court of Appeals and the Supreme Court, and Kanchanaburi. Other law firms in Thailand offer bail services too. Most of them are not experts in this field of law, and can actually cause more harm than good by filing a bad bail application or bail appeal. We have previously written about the importance of the bail appeal in Thai courts, which is often needed when initial bail applications are rejected. There are some cases in Thailand that we can secure bail for our clients, but that cannot be won in court. There are minimum sentencing laws in place for certain drug crimes in Thailand, for example, that means usually

Large Drug Case Win! Thailand Bail Wins Again in Bangkok Criminal Court (28 they will be moved to the Bang Kwang Prison 2015)

Thailand Bail has won its year-long drug case in the Bangkok Criminal Court today, bringing further validation to our strategy with seemingly impossible drug cases in Thailand. Ask any law firm in Thailand about their feelings for drug cases – many lawyers will not even accept drug cases because they are difficult. Other lawyers take on drug cases but do not know how to formulate a proper defense. Today’s win in the Ratchada court verifies the defense we put together for our client, a Russian national. For those who have drug cases usually

The Price of Bail in Thailand

One of the first questions that we get asked from prospective clients is “how much is bail in Thailand?” The answer can vary drastically, as was evidenced in recent news articles in Bangkok. Former Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra posted bail of 30 million Thai baht, almost $1 million USD. Former Commerce Minister Boonsong Teriyapirom has just posted 20 million Thai baht for bail whilst his case continues. While these bail amounts may seem high, they seem small compared to the bail recently set by a US judge for rapper Suge Knight, who apparently collapsed when he heard his bail was set at $25 million USD.

Does this mean that your bail, or the bail of your friend or family in jail in Thailand, is going to be set sky-high? Fortunately, usually

BBC Features Thailand Bail on TV and Radio

The BBC, one of the most respected news and media organizations in the world, has featured The so-called “Bangkok Hilton” is usually associated with the Bang Kwang Prison in Nonthaburi prominently in its television and radio broadcasts recently. One of our clients has been part of an ongoing criminal investigation, and we have been fighting to have charges dropped or at least reverted to those found on the original charge sheet. Because of our legal efforts in the Bangkok Criminal Court, the media in the UK has picked up on the story, making it the top story on the BBC Hereford and Worcester morning show “Elliott and Toni at Breakfast” for March 31, 2015 as well as the top story on the BBC West Midlands morning show hosted by Adrian Goldberg. Finally, our case was the lead story on the evening news for the BBC Midlands. This follows several newspapers in the UK writing about usually

Thai Prison Visits: Samut Prakarn Prison

Thailand Bail continues its profile of the various Thai prisons that we work at. In this article, we are featuring the Samut Prakarn Prison, located outside Bangkok to the east. Despite the Samut Prakarn Court being located fairly close to Bangkok, the Samut Prakarn Prison is located quite a distance away from the city. It takes approximately 1-2 hours from various parts of Bangkok, depending on traffic. On the way to visit this prison, you will notice how rural the landscape becomes. Once you arrive, you will have to register to visit the prisoner who you are coming to see. Standard registration documents are needed, and you will have usually

Thai Police Search: What You Should Do If the Police Want to Search You

Recently, there has been a lot of news about foreigners being stopped and searched on the streets of Bangkok, predominantly on and around Sukhumvit Road. While it is not as widespread as some online sources are making it out to be, it is important to address the question of what to do if the Thai police want to stop you and search you. Below, we offer some basic tips on what to do if you encounter a situation like this whilst in usually

Getting Arrested in Thailand: 5 Tips to Follow If You Need Bail

While most people who travel to Thailand come for the interesting culture, beaches, and food, others take their travels too far. Getting arrested in Thailand is not on travelers’ or expats’ to-do lists, but it does happen. With more and more random police searches happening throughout the Sukhumvit Road area of Bangkok, more and more people will likely be in need of legal assistance. Sometimes, people are able to talk to the police, show their passport, and go on their way, avoiding getting arrested in Thailand and going to Thai jail. if a defendant with a major drug case is housed in the Bam Bat, many foreign travelers are not aware of all of the rules, regulations, and laws of Thailand, and may make some bad decisions, which lead to arrest. This article has been usually

Limited Hours of Service During the Holiday Season

As we approach the holiday season, Thailand Bail would like to announce our limited hours of service during this time. We think it is important to take time and reflect on 2014 and look ahead to 2015. Accordingly, please take note that we will be providing limited service during the holiday season, which will last from December 23 – 28, in observance of Christmas, and from December 31 – January 01 in observance of the New Year. We understand that legal emergencies do happen sometimes, so we will still be checking email during the holidays. If you have an emergency that needs immediate attention, please use the contact us page on this website, and usually