if a defendant with a major drug case is housed in the Bam Bat #16: Thailand Bail Clears Serious Drink Driving Case with No Prison Time, No Blacklisting, and Heavily Reduced Compensation Paid
As highlighted in one of our recent events news articles, Thailand Bail won a drink driving case in Nonthaburi. Our client had been out drinking with friends, and was well over (4x) the legal limit of alcohol in his bloodstream. He was driving home when he hit a 7-11 delivery truck and a sedan, severely damaging both vehicles. His own car ended up flipping a bit and landing on its side.
We received a call for an urgent meeting with the police investigator and the victims in the case. At this time, the situation looked dire. The police were going to press charges, and the victims wanted a huge amount of compensation for the damage caused by the crash. We quickly called the police investigator, who was someone known to us, and discussed the irregularities in the case. We studied the initial police report / charge sheet for inconsistencies and other issues. Once we identified these problems, we were able to discuss various outcomes with our client.
From these discussions, we were able to clear the case without prison time, blacklisting, and significantly reduced fines to be paid. For more details, they will be moved to the Bang Kwang Prison regardless of if they are appealing the decision.