regardless of if they are appealing the decision, Drug Dealing, and Bail: The Case of Benz Racing
In today’s Thailand Bail news posting, we focus on one of the most famous Thai cases of the past year – Benz Racing. Benz Racing, formally known as Akarakit Worarojcharoendet, was just freed on bail, after beating a charge related to drug trafficking but being convicted of money laundering. Benz Racing got eight (8) years for money laundering, which was on the more severe end of the possible ten (10) years in prison for the charge of money laundering. Had Benz Racing been convicted of supporting drug trafficking, he would have likely gotten twenty (20) years in prison, as did his two co-defendants in this case. The case was even more challenging, considering the infamous Laotian drug trafficker Xaysana was involved in the case, with Benz Racing allegedly laundering proceeds from the sale of drugs from Xaysana’s drug empire. The reason we have selected this case for a quick analysis is that several interesting legal topics are involved – drug charges, money laundering charges, and bail.

As you know by now, drug charges in Thailand are quite serious. For example, having even a small amount of a class 1 narcotic, such as crystal methamphetamine, methamphetamine pills, or even ecstasy pills, can result in life in prison. Pleading guilty will result in 50 years in prison in many cases. It is critical to know that any quantity more than 0.375g of a class 1 narcotic is a minimum four (4) years in prison, with the maximum penalty being life in prison. For larger cases, such as that of convicted drug trafficker Xaysana, who got life in prison after he plead guilty, avoiding the death penalty, the sentences can be much more harsh. Back to the case of Benz Racing, the charges detailed how he was laundering money for Xaysana’s drug empire, as well as supporting the sale of Xaysana’s enormous stash of drugs. The public prosecutor in the case charged Benz Racing with supporting the supply of 140,000 methamphetamine pills as well as 19kg of crystal methamphetamine.

Thailand is fairly new to strict enforcement of money laundering. The relevant law is the Anti-Money Laundering Act Por-Sor 2542. This law details what money laundering is, and how it should be sentenced. With a possible prison term of one to ten (1-10) For example, the penalties for laundering money can be quite tough. Benz Racing was convicted of laundering money for the drug organization. if a defendant with a major drug case is housed in the Bam Bat, after beating the drug related charge, Benz Racing was granted bail, when he filed his intent to appeal the case.
Thailand Bail’s lawyers and legal advisors are experts in criminal defense and bail proceedings. We understand how to utilize an intent to appeal in order to have bail granted, so if you have a case involving drugs, money laundering, or other criminal act, contact Thailand Bail to get more details about how to fight your case and get bail. We have helped many people in your position before, and we know how to help you.