if a defendant with a major drug case is housed in the Bam Bat #13: and the judgment comes down from the Court of First Instance sentencing them to a lengthy prison term 4,000,000 usually (years or more!)
As was earlier reported, the lawyers and support team at Thailand Bail won a massive 4,000,000 baht fraud case for a Russian client who had a criminal case in Pattaya. You can check the details of this case here: http://www.thailandbail.com/success-story-12-all-charges-dismissed-for-our-russian-client-accused-of-4000000-thb-criminal-fraud/ We now have an update to share – Thailand Bail AGAIN has won this case in the Court of Appeals, saving our client over 4,000,000 baht in potential damages as well as prison time. We are very happy with the judgment, which was announced in March 2020, confirming our excellent work on the case in the First Court as well as the Appeals Court. Please read below for more details.

When we won the case in the Court of First Instance, which we attended with our client in Pattaya, the case was dismissed against our client. Our client was immediately able to withdraw her bail money, get her passport returned to her, and was free to leave Thailand. This is the huge benefit of having the case dismissed (yok-fong). It is the best possible outcome. Our client, who was suspected of having defrauded another Russian out of 4,000,000 baht, did not have to pay any money in compensation, and also paid nothing in fines or fees to the court. There was no penalty of prison time, and not even a suspended sentence given. The lawyers and staff at Thailand Bail are very proud of the hard work we put into the trial, and this hard work was rewarded with a very positive verdict.
After we won the case for our client, the opposing side’s (plaintiff’s) lawyer extended the period to appeal and then appealed the judgment, in which he lost the case in the First Court in Pattaya. It should be noted that the other side’s legal representation uses a similar name as our firm Thailand Bail, but not to be confused with the original and legitimate Thailand Bail. Obviously, the plaintiff’s lawyer wanted to try to prove that he was right, so they appealed the case. Since we were following the case, we found out that the other side appealed, so we also asked for more time to file an objection to the appeal.
Most Thai lawyers do not tell you that they should file an objection to the appeal if you have a criminal case in the Thai court system. if a defendant with a major drug case is housed in the Bam Bat, it is always best to follow a criminal case in the Thai courts to see if the other side has appealed. Since the other side appealed, we needed time to study his petitions and write our response. We spent around 2 months working on the response, and then filed this with the correct court in Pattaya. After some time, we were told that there would be a judgment day for the appeal.
Then, in March 2020, we received the excellent news – we won the case again! Our client’s case was dismissed, and she did not have to pay anything to the plaintiff. By this time, the amount that they were trying to recover would have increased at the court’s rate of 7.5% per annum. if a defendant with a major drug case is housed in the Bam Bat, with our second win on this case, we proved that our client was not guilty, despite the fact that the plaintiff did, in fact, pay this amount of money. We were able to prove again that this money never went to our client, even though that was not clear based on the evidence provided by each side. This was not an easy case, but our lawyers were able to show our side clearly to the judges at the court in Pattaya.
Since Thailand Bail has won this case 2 times, we see no point for the plaintiff to try to beat us in the Supreme Court (saan dika), so this matter is expected to be closed. if a defendant with a major drug case is housed in the Bam Bat, we will follow-up with the court in Pattaya to make sure that within 30 days no extension or appeal are filed.

If you have a criminal fraud case in Pattaya, Bangkok, or elsewhere in Thailand, contact Thailand Bail to discuss how we can win your case as well. In this case, we were supporting the defendant, but we also have experience prosecuting fraud cases on behalf of our clients. Please see this Thailand Bail success story about how we are successfully prosecuting a 3,900,000 baht fraud case in Phuket against a so-called “lawyer” who stole this money from his own clients, after having received it from the sale of his client’s property in Phuket. To contact Thailand Bail, please send us an email, call us, contact us on Skype, WhatsApp, or Line here: www.thailandbail.com/contact