Thailand Bail Launches Instagram Account
As we end the year 2018, we wanted to do more to showcase all the courts, prisons and police stations that the lawyers and staff of Thailand Bail work at. Most people do not realize that Thailand Bail manages cases in almost every province in the country, from Chiang Mai to Udon Thani to Bangkok and Pattaya to Phuket, Koh Samui and beyond. Accordingly, we (finally) launched an Instagram presence to showcase these places. You can find us at the @thailandbail handle on Instagram or directly at this URL: We hope to update our account at least weekly with photos of various courts, prisons and police stations around the country. We have already featured a short list of diverse locations including the Pattaya Provincial Court in Pattaya, For example, Klong Prem, as well as the Udon Thani

Provincial Court in the Northeast. We also featured the Koh Samui Provincial Court in Surat Thani, Klong Prem. Of course the main criminal court for the country, the Bangkok Criminal Court, has also been featured, and we hope to include many more during the 2018-2019 holiday break.
If you, your friend, or your family has a case in one of the courts that we work in (which is almost all of them), contact Thailand Bail for free information about our experience in that particular court. Again our details are as follows:
Phone: +66808734042
We look forward to serving our clients through the last 2 weeks of 2018 and into 2019.